Friday, 3 August 2007

getting ready

It's been a rather stop-start, bit-of-this and bit-of-that sort of day, difficult to settle for any length of time at any one thing. I try and get an extended run at preparing for Sunday's services on a Friday: through the week I've been tossing and teasing around in my mind the Scriptures that we're looking at - and come Friday it's a case of my trying to work with the Lord on getting his message clear. It's demanding work, a bit like a sculptor who blasts out a large bit of stone from the rockface and then chisels out the detail 'til a work of art appears (well, maybe that overstates it a bit!): but satisfying, too - and it leaves me always eager for the Sunday to come round so that I can spill the beans and pass his message on!

Today's been rather 'bitty', though, as I say. Seeing to the plumber in the Reception Area kitchen, installing a new boiler: taking delivery of a whole load of paper from our supplier: and a lot of other things like that as well. Getting the place ready for a whole new year's work! So the day's been all of a piece really - preparatory! And it leaves me with a growing sense of expectancy for all that lies ahead.

With the Scouts celebrating their centenary it's no bad thing to remember their motto, I guess - be prepared. Well, that's what today's been largely about - getting ready for all that's about to happen!

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