Friday, 14 December 2007


Following on my chat with Liz yesterday afternoon I came across a video today.

It isn't all that long, but it puts quite well the sort of feelings which I have about the way we spend so much on one another at this time of year.

Such terrible extravagance. I don't mean that there's anything really wrong with the extravagance itself. It's just the way that it's directed. That's the terrible thing.

We spend these massive sums on one another. When elsewhere there are just so many millions who have barely even anything at all.

It's that the video highlights in a simple almost soporific way. Making you sort of wonder what on earth it's all about. And pointing up how easy it can be to miss the mark and miss the point and get the whole thing wrong.

'Get real!' - that's how it ends! Take a look yourself. It's worth the few brief minutes of your time!

You should be able to access it by following the link above

I was thinking about 'extravagance' today.

Not just in terms of how we spend such large amounts of money on the gifts we buy for people who're already pretty well-to-do. But the 'extravagance' of God.

Christmas, I suppose, in many ways. The sometimes almost reckless, wholly lavish generosity of God in what is given us in Jesus.

The bulk of the day I was giving some thought to what it is the Lord intends to say to us as we gather once again this coming Sunday. And that was the burden of all he was saying.

It almost brought me to tears at times. Reflecting on this radical extravagance of God. Meeting us all in our need. Giving us all that he's got. Holding absolutely nothing back at all.

Though he was rich, yet he became poor, that by that very poverty he might make us, the likes of me, he might make us so rich.

I think when you see it and feel it for all that it is ... well, you just want to go out and live like that yourself. At least I do!

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