Tuesday, 8 January 2008

the promised land

There was a meeting of the leaders here tonight. That pretty much dominated all of the day.

I'm not a 'meeting' person really. Which I've sometimes thought is odd. Since meeting people and being with people and caring for people is what life's all about and what I really enjoy!

But 'meetings'? Well, that's a different matter.

I think it's because the numbers can be so large it's hard to get that 'close' to folk.

I think it's because the 'content' of such gatherings is often of a 'business' sort, which makes it hard to get to know the person more than just that person's views on certain things.

I think it's because the 'ethos' of such meetings is often of a rather formal sort, which makes it hard to feel there is a sharing of our hearts.

Silly really, I suppose, when I stop and think about it! I mean, I like meeting people but I dislike meetings!

So a meeting like this tonight, with maybe forty or more of the leaders here - I need to prepare pretty hard for a time like that.

Preparing myself, so that I'm viewing the time in a positive light and able to see just how good it is to be able to meet with my friends, to be able to think and to talk and to dream with them all and to find that it's Christ who is leading us forward and on.

Preparing the way that I'll chair the whole thing. Trying to think through how best we break through the wall of 'formality' and are able to share from the heart. Trying to work out the 'rhythms' the meeting will have and where there's a need for a pause and a rest and where we'll be wise to be pausing to pray.

And preparing proposals I'm wanting to put to them all. To make such proposals intelligible, clear, and attractive for all.

We've been thinking for months about changing the leadership structure here. In some ways, it's not by any means that massive a change. But it is a change. And it needs to be taken slowly as we feel our forward and figure out just how the Lord is meaning it all to be.

We've managed through the course of the past few months to hammer out certain criteria. And that's been a help.

But tonight came the crunch! A draft proposal of a new approach. New to us, that is.

A new approach which enables us better to reflect the concerns we have for our leadership here. So that the way our leadership is exercised doesn't get in the way of ministry.

Anyway, it took me the bulk of the day to figure out how best I could present the thing in a way that would make sense and not seem threatening.

And that meant preparing the whole thing visually as well. Powerpoint. Which took a good few hours itself.

What would we do without the use of powerpoint?! Well, I guess we managed for donkeys' years.

But in trying to help folk 'see' a way of working which at present doesn't exist, the visual is important. I'm trying to help folk 'imagine' a future which isn't presently there.

It takes time. It means painting pictures. It means putting things in a visual form.

And I don't think it was all in vain! I think at least some began to 'get the picture'. I think at least some could begin to see that this was a workable way.

There was general agreement, anyway, to take the next step and use such a framework of leadership now as the basis for pressing on.

Another small step on the path of this great adventure! Another small step on the journey to a different land.

The 'promised' land of what Christ's church is meant to be. I think that's where we're headed! And the thought of that excites me day by day.

So today's been another small step along the way. The 'promised' land is one step nearer now - what a thrilling thought to end the day!

Moses, the guy who led God's people with such stamina and courage through the long years of their journey through the wilderness - he only got to see the 'promised land'. Not enter it himself.

Maybe it will be like that for me as well. There's a future here God's been dreaming of and promising for long enough. The promised land of church as Jesus meant it all to be.

The vision has quite captivated me for many years.

But will I only see it from a distance? Or will I one day get there with this people for myself?

All I know is we're one step nearer today. The 'sweat' of my daily labours is never in vain!

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