Saturday, 2 February 2008


Friday and it's February already! (Actually I realise it's now already into Saturday morning!). Sometimes you can't but wonder where the time all goes.

Already a month of another year is in the past. It's scary how quickly the time goes by.

Which probably tells me a bit about my age! But it also makes me realise how valuable and special each day is. Not one I'll ever have again.

And having lived it once, that's it. No second chance to put the day to better use. And at its end I've one less day on earth to live.

Not that I'm getting all maudlin! (Though the dark and the cold and the wind and the wet are really quite conducive to that sort of mood!).

It's just that it took me aback to find that it was February today.

A new month.

And so new possibilities as well.

One of the changes this month is going to bring involves someone other than just myself involved in preparing and organising the content and the conduct of our worship here each week.

So there's been all week a bit of back and forward 'mail' in that regard. And the same again today. Putting the final bits in place, as it were. Sorting through the details and tieing up loose ends.

And for me, a lot of preparation as I've tried to see how best to put across the message that the Scriptures teach. It's not the easiest passage by any means! But important nonetheless.

Much of the day's been spent on that - though I did get to visit a bit in the afternoon.

And then towards the end of the afternoon I donned another 'role' - that of a kind of 'techie' and a part-time kitchen staff.

An SU group from one of the local schools was holding an evening here. So I got to help out with that. Setting up the sound and overseeing the running of their laptop powerpoint presentation and the showing of a DVD and the playing of a CD track - all at different points.

I mean, it's not that hard, but it helps if you know the equipment. And since I do, I volunteered to do it for them all. It makes life a whole load easier for all of the leaders - and it also means the equipment doesn't get damaged.

There were kitchen tasks as well. And I always enjoy that too! So all in all a really good time. It's great to see so many youngsters out and great to be able to help out in these ways.

I looked at them all at different points and I thought of all the possibilities their growing into adulthood will bring. The lives of real significance for God that each of them may live.

And it made me want to pour my daily living into something that will last.

Not waste a single moment of a day. Not reach the end and wish that I had used my time far better than I'd done.

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