Forty two years is a long time. In anyone's book.
Except maybe God's.
He's pretty patient and never rushed.
And sometimes he lets his people know a good long time in advance what he's going to do.
I mean, that's his regular habit - letting his people know. "The sovereign Lord does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets."
So you expect that he'd give advance notice of what he had planned to do.
Yesterday evening I was reminded again of the remarkable sort of 'vision' that Jean Darnall was given back in 1967.
Three times over she was given this very specific vision.
Three times over - for the avoidance of any doubt, presumably.
This is how she put it -
"... What I saw was the British Isles, as in a bird's eye view. A kind of haze was over the whole, like a green fog.
"And then little pinpricks of light began to appear from the top of Scotland to Land's End. Then the Lord seemed to draw me closer to these lights, and I saw that they were fires that were burning. They were multiplying from the top of Scotland to Land's End.
"Then I saw lightening come and strike those fires, the brightest spots particularly, and there was a kind of explosion, and rivers of fire flowed down. Again, the sense of direction was from the top of Scotland to Land's End. But some of those rivers of fire didn't stop there. They went right across the Channel and didn't stop there. They went right across the Channel and spread out into the Continent."
Little pinpricks of light. Starting in the north of our land, and spreading south.
Twenty years later the Lord made it clear that she was to come up here: and she did.
She said there would be three main features of this move of God.
The first would be men uniting to pray together early in the morning. The second would be large numbers of children, as often as not with no Christian background at all, encountering Jesus. And the third would be the raising up of a host of powerful preachers.
The Lord very often just gets on with his work behind the scenes.
No noise. No fuss.
Just quietly lighting those fires and spreading them down the land.
There are things going on in our land today, in other words, that are signs of the Lord being at work.
Pinpricks of light. Which may yet become great streams of fire.
That's what I'm really involved in these days.
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