Wednesday, 7 October 2009

on earth

I have a friend called David whom I've mentioned here before.

He's a good guy. In every sense. I mean, a good guy to have around: a good guy to have on your side: a good guy to spend time with: a guy who's on the side of all that's good.

He's a follower of Jesus. And he's like Jesus. Who was anointed by the Spirit of God and went around doing good.

He used to be here in Edinburgh (David, that is), but these last many years he's been down in Hull. And now he's moving back.

It's a complicated story, but he's about 2/3 of the way returned right now. And today he was in for a quick bite of lunch and an even quicker time of touching base with one another, him and me.

There's something about the man to which I relate straight off. Jesus, basically.

He has vision and passion, and he comes up with some of the most unexpected and wonderful things.

Like booking 'Dynamic Earth' for a Jesus-centred celebration do. On All Saints Evening. (Commonly known as Halloween).


All Saints Evening. The blurb says. This is our night.

The saints of God celebrating what God is doing.

'Dynamic Earth' is a pretty big place. One of Edinburgh's icons. And here's this guy, who's still only 2/3 here, and he's booked the place and got this whole thing organsed for about 300 people, from all over town.

David's a 'Nike' guy. That's not a miss-print, by the way. I mean, he is a nice guy too, but I did mean to write he's a Nike guy. Just do it. And he does.

Maybe I'm about to die, he said. Or I'm getting old. Or something. But I don't really feel I've got the time to build up all these 'networks' with the Christian church, before getting down to doing things here.

My heart warms to the guy. He just goes out and does it. By-passes loads of committee meetings. Doesn't spend hours of everyone's time.

He just has a huge big burden on his heart, a vision for what might be.

And goes out and does it. On earth. As it is in heaven.

Mark it in your diary. And book your ticket now. Through me, if you wish.

Halloweeen like you won't have often known it.


T Foster said...
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Jerry Middleton said...
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T Foster said...

Sorry, typo in address - '[dot] com', rather than ''