Friday, 18 December 2009


Twelve days of meeting in Copenhagen will soon be at an end.

It sounds like it may be a case of too little too late.

Yesterday I had an e-mail from a (frazzled - on her own admission) Franny Armstrong, producer of The Age of Stupid.

This was her take on how things have gone -

With just one day to go here in Copenhagen, the deal is on target to commit us all to a 3.9 degree temperature rise - which would equate to something like:
- Africa uninhabitable
- Southern Europe a desert
- Australian agricultural system wiped out
- All coral reefs gone
- Most forests gone

The world leaders are now starting to arrive - 120 of them are expected, which would be their biggest-ever get-together - and have certainly got their work cut out if they're going to shift things to the extent that's needed to avoid disaster.

Someone was saying today that most folk have got it all wrong. They think that all this talk of a 2 degree rise is not too bad a thing.

They think it's like a picnic on a nice fine day, when the temperature goes up by a couple of degrees. I mean, who's going to complain too much about that?

But in fact it's much more like your body temperature going up by a couple of degrees. And staying that way.

You won't last long. You'll die.

For those who, for any reason at all, have the welfare of this planet on their hearts, these are crucial days.

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