Thursday, 20 May 2010

all at sea

There's a lot of walking back and forward to the school on a Thursday. Two assemblies in the course of the first part of the morning: and then the SU group over lunch.

I have to walk through the dining hall to get to the room where we hold the SU group. That in itself takes some time. It's not quite running the gauntlet, but there are parallels!

These are the early years primary children. And every table I have to pass, on either side, the children want to chat. Some come up and they give me a hug. Others want to show me what it is they're having to eat. Still others are asking me questions. Some even want to be sharing 'high-fives'.

It's a familiarity born of my being there each week at their Thursday morning assembly. They know me and trust me. And that's where it's all got to start in sharing the good news of Christ.


The SU group itself is great. We keep getting a good twenty or more of the children along - and that despite it being sunny and fine outside.

They're comfortable here as well. They enjoy the chat as they start by eating their lunch. And then we move into a game or something like that. Something which involves them all and gives them a bit of fun. Mostly related in some sort of way to what we'll be going on to think about.

We have a programme for this summer term. Some of the stories the gospels record about Jesus and things that he did. Today it was "Jesus and some folk who were all at sea."

The time when Jesus was asleep in the boat when the storm blew up and frightened the living daylights out of these Galilean fishermen.

The story itself doesn't ever take long to tell. But we try and make it memorable, personal, fun.

It's truth which they need to know. And they need to know that it's not just fun, but it's there for them all to embrace. Something for them to fall back on.

Jesus remains completely in charge through the storms which we find ourselves facing.

The value for the month at the school through May is simplicity.

We try to keep it simple at the SU group. Storms. Fear. Jesus.

Storms happen. For all of us. Often as unexpected as they're undesired. Pressure, pain, problems. Out of the blue.

Fear can grip us too. A dreadful sinking feeling. Worry can turn into panic. Stress can result in sheer terror. Sleep deserts us. We wake up anxious and worried, not having a clue what to do. We fear the worst. We see no end to the problem, no way for the thing to be resolved.

And Jesus. The Jesus who should be out helping us seems blissfully unconcerned: and in terms of any real help he might give he seems shamefully fast asleep. But he's there. And entirely in charge. One simple word from his lips, and the storm abates.

Simplicity is making the journey of life with just enough baggage. The Head gave that quote as he spoke about what this month's value really meant.

You don't really need that much 'baggage' for living out life to the full. In fact, if you travel by boat, your excess baggage becomes a liability.

Having Jesus in the boat is the 'baggage' we need. There's a lot we'd do well to be tipping right over the side!

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