Thursday, 6 March 2008

Esther - the re-make!

If you go in for pub quizzes or things like that, it's useful to know that the one book of the Bible which doesn't ever mention God at all is the book of Esther.

Of course, there's a sense in which the whole short book is all about the Lord. And how he works 'behind the scenes'.

He doesn't either need or court publicity. He just gets on with doing what he does.

The story of Esther's really quite amazing. God's never even mentioned: but the way it all turns out it's clear that God is very much in charge of world affairs and somehow (in a way which never interferes with all the different choices that we make), somehow he just over-rules and works things out for good.

Behind the scenes. No mention of God. Yet it's all about God.

Amazing the way he works.

I was thinking of that once again last night.

For those of you who read these posts, I hope it's clear that though it must appear that I'm narrating what I do, in fact I'm really trying to highlight (and I guess to understand as well) what the Lord himself is doing in our midst.

Anyway, last night. There was a meeting again in regard to The Lot. These are difficult days, but exciting days as well. Days of transition and change. Days of real challenge and days of potential as well.

We've reached a situation which, financially, is rather like the one that all the Israelites experienced when they headed out of Egypt on the way to what they'd thought would be a better life.

A massive, mighty army coming charging along behind them. Imposing, impenetrable mountains on either side. And the vast, uncrossable barrier of the Red Sea in front of them.

What in motoring terms is called a 'dead end'. What in euphemistic terms is called 'a bit of a hole'. No way forward and no way out.

But what we discovered in meeting last night were remarkable actions by God. Well, I say, 'by God'. But it's Esther stuff again. That's me getting down and behind the text of what in fact's going on, and recognising God himself at work.

Some might say 'coincidence'. And in some ways, of course, it is. Coincidence. The timely coinciding of a range of different things.

You don't have to read God into the equation. But it helps in solving all life's mysteries, and facing all life's trials, if you do.

You can read the book of Esther either way.

A 'B' grade sort of movie with a set of really unexpected twists and turns which sees things reach a climax where it all works out so well.

Or a simple, subtle warning to whoever dares to live life in this world without real reference to God: Don't!

Danger. God at work.

Well, that's what's very much happening now at The Lot. Out of the blue and just at the perfect time, a wonderful coincidence. Or, more to the point, coincidences plural.

I'll not go into the detail. But in general terms, there have been some very striking 'movements' going on.

Just the right person coming onto the scene and into the process of change at just the right time. For her. And also for us.

All the right skills. All the right contacts. All the right blend of expertise, wisdom and drive.

(And, interestingly, the very first person to visit The Lot on the day that it opened its doors).

But not just that. The right person, in the right place, at the right time.

Amazingly, as part of her work - she's in a sort of limited transition in her working life - she's able to spend as much as a day every week on pursuing the projects we've asked her to do for The Lot.

So not only is she able and willing to help us out, with all the different qualities she has - she's being paid to do it as part of her job!

(A bit like Moses' mother, once again, being paid by Pharaoh's daughter to look after that wee boy who was her son! I think the Lord has a huge big laugh when he works things out like this. And even if he doesn't, I do! I think it's all amazing and I love the way he works things out like this!)

And that's just one of the ways that things have been remarkably moved on.

Alongside that, there have been some striking movements in the policy the government has formed, which mean it may well be there's funding for the work The Lot's committed to, which hitherto we couldn't even dream might be available.

High level government policy change. Which mirrors, it seems, exactly our current concerns.

A person being called to the work at precisely this opportune time. A government changing its tune at precisely the moment of need.

I mean, this could be another modern 're-make' of that ancient book of Esther! Not a mention of God. But he's absolutely everywhere. If you've got the eyes and faith to see him.

Behind the scenes and everywhere. God. The sub-text of the story all the time.

I'm aware of that in my daily life. And it's that I try to highlight in these daily posts.

My life is simply full of things like this. God at work, behind the scenes. In everything.

For example, I was along at the school today again. This is my 'coffee with the teaching staff' day.

Except I never even made it to the staff room up the stairs.

I signed in at reception. And twenty minutes later I signed out. Never having left the entrance hall at all!

A Mum was there with her little P4 boy. New to the school. Newly down from further north and everything so new.

It was as if I was meant to meet them there today. The boy was called Nathan. A Hebrew name which means - he gave.

And I'm thinking as I meet with them and talk with them and see this as another great 'coincidence', this timely, easy crossing of our paths at just this major juncture in their lives - I'm thinking that name reveals it all.

He gives.

He sets these meetings up. He moves these folk around. He prompts these top-notch leaders in the corridors of power to come up with their policies. He orchestrates it all.

He gives. He simply loves to give. It really is just wonderful this living life with him.

Nathan has a brother, so I learned. This younger boy is Samuel.

There's a guy in the Bible called that as well. His mother had been quite desperate.

We're told that when the boy was born, she named him Samuel, saying, "Because I asked the Lord for him".

Nathan and Samuel. It was like the Lord wanted simply to make this clear.

He gives. We ask.

In that order.

That's how it works in the realm where Christ is king!

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