Wednesday, 26 March 2008

more candles

Sometimes the whole amazing privilege of being a follower of Christ just blows me completely over.

The thrill of being somehow a part of something God himself is doing in the world today. Sharing with a team of folk whose gifts and love and total dedication is extraordinary to behold.

Some days that knocks me flat!

A week like this has that sort of effect. The chance for a whole load of folk to join with one another and ... well, use their creativity in such a way that together they create a week these children won't forget.

Most of my day again has sen me involved with them. I think they're all quite wonderful. And I'm humbled when I think of all the folk God gives me here to work with day by day.

Really humbled and sometimes deeply moved.

I mean one of the girls on the team was 21 on Tuesday. But still she was out. Up at the crack of dawn (at least, the metaphorical crack of dawn - she's a student on her holidays, so anything before 10am has got to count as early!) to play the drums.

Others come out of a second or third retirement. It must be exhausting for all of them. But still they're out and at it, attending to all the countless different tasks which must be done.

So many folk, prepared to give their time and strength to do those countless tasks there always are.

From making the soups and serving the teas (loads of the parents are in for coffee and lunch), to working the tough technology. And the man who's made an amazing Egyptian chariot for the children to construct.

It takes about an hour and a half of tedious work for each and every chariot. I think he's only glad that the numbers aren't more than they are.

Because this is on top of his full time job.

People give up a week of their annual leave to play their part. Teachers, who must by the time the holidays come have children coming out of their ears - they come back for more!

There are just loads and loads of folk involved. And it's loads of fun as well.

Maybe this is what heaven's really like!

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