Wednesday, 17 September 2008

rules of thumb

Over the years I've developed a series of 'rules of thumbs'.

They have their source more in experience than in any science. I guess their 'genre' is more "old wives' tales" than academic research.

One such 'rule of thumb' is that when I find myself in a 'Catch-22' sort of situation (doesn't matter what you do, you lose), then the Lord simply loves to demonstrate his amazing ability to rescue.

To provide a way out which often we hadn't conceived of before at all.

Another such 'rule of thumb' is to work on the basis that when there's a pattern of things which are happening that seem to be pretty irrational, that usually indicates that somewhere behind the scenes the devil is hard at work.

I've been invoking both 'rules of thumbs' in recent days. There are things going on which it's hard to make sense of and which seem to have no resolution that isn't rather messy. Classic 'Catch-22' sort of stuff.

And all in the context of a work of God going on which the devil seems set on assailing.

A fair amount of time today has been spent with others addressing a problem like that. As in hours and hours.

And in the end of the day it's always a case of resorting to looking to God. He's the only one who can really sort things out. And some of the time we're not left any option but to have recourse to him.

It was great to have the midweek lunchtime service back on stream today!

It must be almost 10 weeks, I suppose (maybe more), since they finished way back in June. And the regular folk have missed it, for sure. Me too.

We've started to look at Joseph's life. The one with the amazing technicolour dreamcoat. That Joseph.

And it was good today to see just what a mess his own domestic background was. Not just his parents' lives, but back to his grandparents too.

A legacy of hurt and a history of sin. Relationships really screwed up. And yet, these were believing folk. Devout and godly people, who were nonetheless not yet the finished article. Not by a long shot.

But God still worked within and through their lives. And that's the hope we have. Always.

However mixed-up, messed-up, screwed-up and dysfunctional our 'family' life may be, it doesn't stop the Lord from being at work.

Which is just as well, since otherwise we'd all be well and truly down the tubes.

So it was good to be able to finish the day with the customary time of prayer. Not many out, but that's not the point. We were able to join with each other and cry out to God for his help.

Things happen when we look to the Lord! That's for sure.


Flora said...

Loved reading this! It may interest you to know that our group has just started looking at Joseph, and spent yesterday morning discussing exactly the same themes. Anyone else from Wed morning reading??

christine said...

Yes, and I found the lunchtime service dealt with many of the points which were raised in the morning. Christine