Thursday, 29 January 2009


Scripture Union have a new worker in this part of Edinburgh.

Gill. I've met her, briefly, once before, but today we were walking together round to the school for the SU meeting over lunch.

"Are you in at the school quite regularly?" she asked.

Well, I said, this is my third time today!

Thursdays are like that, of course.

It's a kind of horizontal yo-yo type of thing I do on a Thursday morning. Round to the school for the first of the morning assemblies (P4-7). Back to the halls for the time of prayer. Round to the school for the next of the school assemblies (P1-3). Back to the halls again.

The morning, like most, is soon gone! There's a bit of a break before heading back for the lunchtime SU group. So the chance for a small bit of work to be done. Mainly admin sort of stuff. E-mails and letters and telephone calls.

There were 15 children along at the SU group. It's lovely to see them so eager for all that we do. We taught them about Jesus washing the feet of his friends. Service.

We gave them a memory verse as well. "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you".

The time flies by. Half an hour is really too short but it's better than nothing.

It's back for some lunch and then on with some more of the many odds and ends there are requiring my attention.

There's a call from the local undertaker. An elderly man in the parish has died.

I'm mentally making connections. When I was in at the school this morning I'd noticed that one of the secretaries wasn't there and had asked if things were all right. Her father had died: that's why she was off.

It's him that the undertaker is calling about. I ring the family and it's the secretary herself I speak with. There's instant recognition. And I'm glad once again of the contact there is through the school.

I share with them there at the school. But with pupils and staff alike I often end up sharing in their private lives as well. The privielge is real. And the investment of time well worth while.

Am I regularly round at the school?

For sure, I am.

And the way that today has worked out is part of the reason why.

It's people that count. And I'm not long back in the house, preparing the tea, when the telephone rings and a family friend asks can she call by. As in there and then. She's just along the road.

We've known her for years, a lovely young woman. So she drops by and is happy to share our tea. Her father died some years ago and she sometimes likes to bounce her thoughts and feelings off myself.

She's not there for long, but the time is well spent and I think she feels the better for it all. It's great to have some time with her again, she's a fine and eager follower of Christ, with loads to give.

And with lots of struggles, too.

Like us all.

It's good to be in it together. To know we're not alone. To have someone there.

Which is why, I suppose, those times at the school are so special.

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