Wednesday 15 December 2010

ditch the ditto

I came across this striking photo today of two homes which have been decorated with external Christmas lights.

You might argue a lack of creativity on the part of the folk on the right. Or, I suppose, you might argue, conversely, a huge creativity on their part.

As a comment on society at large, it's perhaps a graphic picture of the way our lives get lived.

We're a good deal lazier, probably, than once we were. We don't put it in those terms, of course. We speak instead of the need for rest and the right we have to some comfort.

But, hey, we're often rather lazy.

Our meals now come pre-packaged. The microwave is wonderful. Why take the trouble to do things ourselves when others will do it for you.

We're a good deal less creative, too. The whole fashion industry, for instance, is built on our sheep-like commitment to 'DITTO' as the way we now express ourselves.

Someone else dictates the way we dress. I mean, how creative is that?

Christmas is anything but a lazy sort of 'ditto' from the Lord.

It's God the great Creator at his own creative best. Even the angels of heaven are stunned at the sheer creative daring of the Lord, as he fashions out incredibly a way of full salvation for humanity which satisfies at once the dictates of his righteousness and love.

Whatever else you choose to do to mark this festive season, don't take the lazy option and descend to doing some 'ditto' sort of thing.

What did we do last year? Let's just do ditto again.

What have our neighbours decided to do? Let's just do ditto ourselves.

What does everyone else always do? Let's just do ditto ourselves.

Celebrate the brilliant creativity of God! Celebrate the bold, expansive goodness of this God who finds solutions and is glad to pay the price!

Set the trends, instead of simply following suit.

Dare to ditch the ditto.