Tuesday 7 December 2010

picture postcard

Picture postcard stuff indeed!

But who wants to live in a postcard?

On the plus side, I'm a good deal fitter, I'm sure, for my walking wherever I'm going instead of taking the car. The down side - I can't get to see so many folk.

On the plus side again - it ensures a slower pace of life, a better sort of rhythm to the tasks I need to do. The down-side - it makes the day a bit longer, since the tasks all still need to be done!

The freezing feel of Narnia has crept across our horizons. Literally - and perhaps spiritually as well in our land. "Always winter but never Christmas."

Who knows but the wicked witch has been at her work again in our land.

We're needing our Aslan to come once again. Remember that great line in C S Lewis' book, 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' -

"Aslan is on the move. The witch’s magic is weakening.”

The melting snow is how C S Lewis describes his own conversion. This is how he puts it in 'Surprised by Joy' -

“I felt as if I were a man of snow at long last beginning to melt. The melting was starting in my back — drip-drip and presently trickle-trickle. I rather disliked the feeling."

May there be many for whom the snows begin to melt, and the cold chill of winter slackens its grip on their lives, through the course of these next few weeks.

1 comment:

Creative:@)oy said...

Like your blog:-)). I am also a child of God. Please visit my norwegian blog (has a lot of pictures) its about creativity in decorating and photos. Happy Holidays:-)
Ann Kristin
